Change is as good as a Holiday
“Change is as good as a holiday”. It is an odd saying, especially at the moment. I think everybody is sick of the constant change that is happening in the world currently and comparing it to a holiday?! Nothing could be as a good as a holiday right now.
But today, that is exactly what we are going to do here at drivible – change.
We have spent the past 12 months in the burgeoning business of car subscriptions and have found the whole experience exciting, followed by frustrating and ending with contemplation. There is no doubt that car subscriptions will become part of the mix of how consumers access a car, but we have become sceptical that it will become mainstream and becoming mainstream is what we have based our aspirations on.
Sure, we could have been patient and slowly built up the business but the car subscription market is actually quite saturated already, remarkable considering consumers haven’t shown any appetite to embrace car subscriptions in any meaningful number.
When we jumped into car subscriptions, we did so with an underlying opinion that the car buying process was flawed - as it wasn’t a pleasurable and efficient experience for many customers AND dealerships. We thought car subscriptions could be the product that breaks down these barriers, but without mainstream adoption this is unlikely to be the case.
So today, we are changing our focus to provide products and services that help dealers efficiently serve their customers. If we do our job properly, you wont even know we exist. But our mission has not waivered, we are still resolute to make sure the dealership experience can be as pleasurable and seamless as possible.
Our first product is a test drive and loan car application that uses machine learning technology and SMS to seamlessly and without any contact allow a customer to test drive or receive a loan car at a dealership. Our aim is to facilitate this process in a mere 10 seconds, which will allow the salesperson to spend more time presenting the vehicle and the customer more time to evaluate their choices.
In the coming months, we will further develop our capabilities to process a number of customer interactions within the dealership and ultimately our aim is for customers to be able to buy a car with all the information they need with none of the wasted time.
If you would like to join us on this new and exciting phase of the business, please contact us at